731 - Shop Talk Special "Orange County American Advertising Federation" with President Rachel Svoboda and Board Member Eric Morley.


A fun look at the other side of advertising and marketing, the agency side, with Gigasavvy & Blue C. 

Part One - Rachel Svoboda

Gigasavvy - Partner/SVP

  • Rachel wanted to get a job in advertising and instead got hired to be a receptionist. It didn't stop her.
  • Telling mom and dad that you're dropping out of law school because you're now a receptionist. 
  • Rachel's well-plotted rise to power in becoming the American Advertising Federation, Orange County President.
  • How sports taught Rachel to be competitive and to work hard for her goals. 
  • Learning to say yes to opportunities and making smaller clients work for you instead of letting go of that work and the client. 
  • The concept of Gigasavvy and how Rachel is happy to be the conductor of the creative symphony. 
  • Born, raised and fighting for Orange County. Rachel has a strong commitment to her home. 
  • Learning how to work with your competition and brokering a deal amongst former career enemies. 
  • Rachel Svoboda is the face of female empowerment in the workplace. However, her type A personality goes out the window when she walks through the front door and becomes mommy. 

Part Two - Eric Morley

Blue C Chief Operating Officer, Partner

Baja United Wines Co-Founder

  • How listening to Shop Talk and Billy Baumann accidentally inspired Eric to co-found Baja United Wines. 
  • The appeal to Orange County and how it manages to birth so many successful startups of all sizes. 
  • Eric interviews Mark as his fascination with Adventures In Design continues. 
  • The future of podcasting/advertising and making relationships with people through content. 
  • The beauty and endless inspiration of Mexico. 

    Part Three - In The Circle of Trust

    Rachel Svoboda & Eric Morley Shop Talk

    • Why Rachel and Eric see the importance in spending their time and resources on community through the Orange County American Advertising Federation. 
    • Learning how to work with your competition instead of working against them. 
    • How Mark's job is a scam because most people are pretty much the same as one another. 
    • Exploring where the world of advertising is going beyond ads and into content creation. 
    • Eric's commitment to learning daily new things and involving himself actively in the future of communication and business. 
    • Where do Rachel and Eric find their freelancers? And what do they look for in future partnerships? 
    • Don't be needy. Get to know your "want to be" clients and build relationships, not a resume. 
    • Old school people skills still work. 
    • Get out into your community and get involved and most likely get hired.