659 - The Logo Show with Dan Stiles and Billy Baumann


Prost! This month it's Oktoberfest on The Logo Show so Dan Stiles, Billy Baumann, and Mark Brickey all put on their lederhosen to look at logos found across the wide world of beer from the most obscure craft breweries to the macro brewers we've known since our dad's asked us to grab them a can. With the success of Miller Lite's retro rebrand, the boys focus in on the masterfully crafted marketing campaign that moved the needle so much for Miller that other brands followed suit shortly afterward. We've also lined up some classic old cans, some roundeles, some suggestions from Circle Of Trust Members, and everything in between to break down what is and isn't working. Dan, Billy, and Mark pool their experience of over sixty collective years in the design industry to break down how branding affects the viewer and what makes a logo stand apart from the rest. Tighten up your line weight, establish a visual hierarchy, and start gleaming the cube (or in this case can) harder than ever before and take your work to the next level as you listen to The Logo Show. Circle Of Trust Members stay tuned for the next installment of Billy On The Beat with Josh Emerich as they talk about his work in beer branding and more!