643 - Alexander Libby of ProductionPro
Making your dream a reality is the first step on the long road of keeping your dream a reality. Between finding funds to keep things going and generating new users in a marketplace pulling their attention in every which way, ProductionPro continues to revolve around their single source of truth. Alex Libby returns to Adventures In Design to share what a year and a half of fighting the good fight has taught him and how his app idea turned into a dedicated team of people collaborating to further adapt their product towards what the entertainment industry wants. Mark opens the episode letting us all behind the curtain on how he is curtailing these interviews to help everyone stop following the leader and start learning how you can start taking down the walls that are in front of your own challenges. Just like ProductionPro, we are trying to help you perform at the height of your creativity.
Talking Points
- The changing creative landscape and interviewing creatives from other fields.
- Following the leader or learning from their triumphs.
- Taking down another brick in the wall.
- Does your career seem easier to you now?
- Becoming Appletes ™.
- Working towards what you love.
- Finding the single source of truth and learning from your users.
- Splitting up episodes and viewing the same content in different ways.
- A three year journey to find a meaningful and succinct way to say what you're doing.
- Raising money, finding users, and the hungry tech beast.
- A cultural challenge to find usability.
- Competition, one hundred "No's," and checking off some boxes for your investors.
- The shift to show off your team.
- How far can this go? How big can this get?
- Choosing between the friendly sell and the hard sell.
- Forever funding and meaningful metrics.
- Making something you can actually show people.
- Protecting the team and educating them about an industry they never thought they'd be a part of.
Circle Of Trust Talking Points
- Hating the day to day but loving what you're working towards.
- Death Bed Hindsight.
- Pitching do's and don'ts.
- Operating inside the Disney Accelerator.
- Accessing the most creative minds to improve your product.
- The Bi Coastal lifestyle.
- Significantly moving the needle.
- Fighting for a real idea at the core of what you do.
There will be some serious work that needs to get done in order to make your dream into a reality. Dean and the boys at Thunderking are taking no prisoners as they bring the world some of the best cold brewed coffee. Their commitment to the craft and focus on changing minds one sip at a time will remind you what it takes to make it.
A year and a half ago Mark sat down with Alex Libby to discuss everything that was going into making ProductionPro a reality and how it can reshape the entertainment industry into a more collaborative workspace. Hear where it all started on AID 353 and start changing your own project into something you can show other people.