631 - Carrlyn Bathe of Fox Sports West
Fox Sports West host Carrlyn Bathe joins Mark to unveil the ego behind performing. These two entertainers may call themselves working class celebrities, but that just means they care more fiercely about their craft than anyone who has already "made it." Carrlyn has put a lifetime of work into becoming the woman we've seen on television and this interview is a look behind the facade at the authentic personality shining through in her work. It may appear to come effortlessly, but there is so much more than natural talent that goes into being great at bringing out the best in people. Mark has had a different path that led to a similar end and he shares how the Act As If mentality was the turning point for him in becoming the ringleader of Adventures In Design and how he built the stage he stands on today one step at a time. Get ready for an introspective journey that relates directly to your own confidence, how you present yourself, and how you relate to others.
Talking Points
- Getting paid for not being famous... yet.
- The one man band facade of being digestible and informative in an effortless manner.
- Confidence, authenticity, and energy.
- Empathy is the scientific answer. Caffeine is the other answer.
- Getting the most out of the people you're shining a light on.
- Unleashing on dogs that will always pick up the ball.
- Breaking muscle memory, calling someone out, and moving past fandom.
- Establishing the fine balance of trust with your guest and the audience.
- Before you broadcast...
- A contact buzz, a complex, and earning your place at the table when no one cares about who you are.
- Needing an audience to be in your element.
Circle Of Trust Talking Points
- Building your theatre professionally.
- Auditioning to take jobs away from children and faking it even after you made it to get momentum spinning in your direction.
- Taking the time to figure out how to get to the reality and the unattainable dream.
- Letting go in front of others and caring about the craft.
- Inclusion and bonding with everyone.
- Looking at the situation and the circumstances behind calendar photos and where they may lead.
- The fountain of youth in broadcasting for both genders.
A major moment in Mark's many interviews. This is where he sits across from a professional and shows what he's capable of.
Another major moment in Mark's many interviews. This is where he sits across from a professional and shows what he's capable of... again.