574 - Start Today - Music Business Inspiration Podcast

Start Today - Music Business Inspiration Podcast

On the first episode of Start Today co-hosts Mark Brickey and Biggie breakdown the 1989 Gorilla Biscuits track “Start Today” and go line by line trying to fully understand the songs greater meaning and influences that it had on their lives. However, before we get to breaking down the walls of this inspiration, first Mark provides a rich audio documentary explaining the influences, origin and history of the short lived New York Hard Core super group the Gorilla Biscuits. 

Talking Points

  • Controlling your temper, not blowing up like you used to and realizing work isn’t worth getting mad over. 
  • Understanding that you’re never too old to hangout and the importance of finding your tribe. 
  • Location, location, location, where you are plays a huge part in how you play. 
  • Staying one step ahead of your current career and always planning for the next big thing. 
  • Not just working hard, but working hard toward a focused life plan. 
  • Procrastinating solves nothing, only creates more work. 
  • There is no seniority in the arts, which leaves zero room for laziness. 
  • The importance of movement, keeping moving to keep surviving. 
  • Trusting your gut, you always know what’s right. 
  • Put in the hours, it will always show in the work.
  • The importance of saying sorry face to face. 
  • Time is your enemy, friend and greatest love. 

Circle of Trust

Mark talks about his lessons learned from both the song Start Today and the creating the first podcast episode. As well as plays audio that didn’t make the final public cut. 

Tom Zutaut came to California straight from high school and quickly signed both Motley Crue and Guns N Roses along with countless other name worthy bands. 

Jay Weinberg was born into rock and roll royalty as son of a E Street band member and turned that connection into many dream drumming gigs. 

The feisty Rebecca Rienks came to California from Texas and networked her to being the music supervisor for E Entertainment Television.