560 - Breaking News presents: BrickeyLeaks
You better be sitting down for this hard hitting, investigative journalism on today's Breaking News with an all new groundbreaking segment, BrickeyLeaks. As always, Mark and Sean fearlessly take on listener's questions about their career plights that range from deciding when to make your first product to keeping your head in the game with a deadline approaching. The real gut punch of reality is waiting right around the corner with our mystery caller and the absolute bombshell warning sign of some fast approaching end times in the creative world. As you listen to the alarm getting sounded on professional art in the music industry keep in mind it acts as a metaphor across the creative community. There is a very serious financial problem crippling the world of art and it will take awareness, confidence, and some backbone to fix it. This is absolutely vital information for everyone to hear. This will feel like the rug was pulled out from under you. This is BrickeyLeaks.
Talking Points
- The ever sarcastic Don Clark continues his affront on Sean Mort.
- Authentic redneck problems, a shameless Shameless plug, and the story of two feudal brothers.
- Office bear fight survival tactics.
- Working with headhunters.
- Getting back in the game when your back is against the wall.
- Time traveling with international listeners.
- The very first BrickeyLeak.
- Analyzing the current poster market and what it takes to make it a profession.
- Following the money in music and where it went.
- Simplifying the complications of design and differentiating the end results.
- The math behind merch sales and why artists get the short end of the stick.
- High profile business cards that represent why we are taken advantage of.
- Keeping your booth at the 70/30 rule to stay in the game.
- Working for the love of it.
- Naming names and pointing out how the venue makes more money on a poster than the artist.
- Getting your name out there is ruining your own profession.
- The difference between Mondo and the music industry.
- Ten years ago versus today versus ten years in the future and the only hero in our midst.
- Defending your requested compensation to craft something worthwhile.
- When are you going to stand up against being treated unfairly?
- Potential solutions to turn the industry around.
- The role of API and the services they provide for the membership dues.
- Awareness, legality, and the sinking ship that isn't bringing everyone together.
- The huge opportunity we're all missing out on.
- Defining Brickey Care and getting valuable information to better your career.
- Middle men and entry level deals that have room to move up the ladder as an artist.
- International shipping warnings, tips, and tricks.
- A wedding that could never be.
- When should you make your first products?
- Breaking News sidebar for context, a goal to aim at, and strategies to get there.
- Marks favorite tattoos and Sean's virgin flesh.
- Planning your cremated and screenprinted curtain call.
- Curbing those family and friends discounts.
Until we get BrickeyCare in place this is the best we currently have to offer... and it isn't much. In fact, for being around for decades you would think the AIGA would have a lot more rock solid resources in place for creatives that sign up.
Need more on how to saying no? Well good old Uncle Jeral sat down and spewed out some serious redneck wisdom on the matter with Mark. This will help you make the world work for you and not the other way around.