555 - Shop Talk with Billy Baumann
Shop Talk goes old school with Mark and Billy on the mics just like the good old days. Fresh off teaching his portion of The Double, Billy gives his perspective on what his students struggled with and how Delicious plans on keeping this two day design course going. Mark recently returned from an unnamed poster show and his take on the Old and New Guard will give you insight to your own creative direction. What's the scariest tool in Illustrator? What is a post-work creative supposed to do with themselves? What are your art action figure attributes? Get ready to dive into the deep end of motivation and direction once this Shop Talk kicks into high gear.
Talking Points
- The New School becomes The Old Guard and the expanding middle ground.
- Cake Donut Conspiracies and Mort's misplaced donut choosing capabilities.
- Part One of The Double goes down, gets re-upped with new options, and more donut talk.
- A preview of the Dave Shapiro interview with a serious Must Be Nice role reversal for Barely Blue Collar Brickey.
- What was the biggest hurdle for students attending The Double?
- Learning from comparative screenprinting strategies different artists use.
- The scariest tool in Illustrator that Billy knows how to use and Mark doesn't need to know about.
- Retired dads, shelf money, and the upcoming Wonder Woman film.
- DC's misplaced style and lack of direction.
- For fashion, not for sport.
- When should a baby start watching Star Trek?
- Environmental concerns being undermined by big business and getting back to where we were in protecting Mother Earth.
- Dismantling what makes America truly great and the troubling people currently running that country.
- What time is check in for the apocalypse?
- April's Fools on AID.
- Billy's breakdown of his portion teaching The Double and some pizza stories.
- Candy built physiques.
- Easter is on the horizon and Mark kicks a bunny.
- Motivation, testosterone, and the mental shift Billy is dealing with.
- Post-work creatives.
- Art Action Figure back card attribute levels.
- Talking Billy up and an inside look at a talented creative's internal thought process who thinks their faking it until they make it.
- Asking a fish to swim instead of climb a tree.
After all that DC talk and the recent return of The Logo Show it seems appropriate to head back and hear Billy and Dan break down the evolution of the DC logo in a never released COT Exclusive.
Young, talented, and trying to find his next step. David Smith struggles with intent and motivation as he propels himself upward in the world of design. Listen to this rising talent's struggle to find balance.