486 - Z Trip

486 - Z Trip
Full Episode with Circle Of Trust Content
486 - Z Trip
Circle Of Trust Content only

Nothing will put out the creative fire that has led Z Trip across his entire career. From putting together the finale of the Grammy's to being the godfather of mash-ups, there is nothing beyond his grasp. Everything Z Trip has achieved was spawned from his love of music and his obsession to make it his own. The slow burn to the top is what keeps his career vibrant and varied as he explores how his unique voice can change what artists before him have put down. The meaning and the melody are what inspire and entice him to continue creating and expanding his approach to what music can accomplish in the world. Putting aside all the fame and fortune Z Trip has achieved you will meet a confident and grounded creative who still follows his heart to make the right moves and stay one of the best DJs in the world.

Talking Points

  • Are Turntablists musicians?

  • The rare Jedi and the disposable Stormtrooper.

  • Oversimplifying labels and cutting through the noise to describe yourself.

  • Who set Z-Trip down the path?

  • The scratch heard round the world.

  • Uncovering the DNA of your idols and making music to mix it better.

  • Turning people onto what you love.

  • Keeping your point of pride in what you put out and the headfuck of fandom.

  • The best compliment from a bar's employees.

  • Staying a fan forever.

  • Committing to Freebird or dipping and diving.

  • Analyzing how you get lost.

  • The art of the arc and jackhammering your agenda.

  • From b-boy circles to mosh pits in under a minute.

  • The dawn of Napster that opened the floodgates.

  • Publishing hurdles in the music industry from sampling.

  • The slow push or taking label money.

  • Collaborating to grow and crossover excitement.

  • Meaning. Melody. Mashup.

  • Sharing influence with your audience.

  • Art, safety, and Paul's Boutique.

  • Stepping out of the spotlight to become a better creative.

  • Confidence, patience, and vision.

  • Setting up each component of your life to bring out the best in you.

  • Z Trip's current business model and walking away form crazy Forbes money.

  • Working with LL Cool J and playing every position of the sport you love.

  • Feeling like you belong in an all star cast.

  • Rising past IS even when you haven't heard of it and becoming your own branch.

  • Responding to genuine politicians.

  • Why is Z Trip at DCon?

  • Life changing lines of though while you hide in a bush for four hours.

  • Approaching life balance form an interesting place.

  • Taking yourself off hold.