421 - A Very Special Tough Love "5 Steps To Design A Healthy Workday" with Beth Manos Brickey

421 - 5 Steps To Design A Healthy Workday
Full episode with Circle Of Trust content
421 - 5 Steps To Design A Healthy Workday
Circle Of Trust Content only

There is a direct connection between how well your mind and body can function with the fuel you give it. Not only in the frequency of that fuel, but the quality as well. It can be very difficult to work your way through conflicting information and deliberately misleading labels and Beth Manos Brickey joins us to share everything she has learned about the food we eat on her road to becoming a nutritional therapist. The five steps (and a few impromptu quizzes) found in this interview are the initial steps you can easily take to harness more energy than you ever dreamed imaginable to stay focused and creative all day long. What we give our bodies to use is as critical to your career as having a budget or a contract. Throw that diet soda out the window and put down that carbohydrate tube to design health and well being into the daily choices you make on what and when to eat.

The Five Steps covered in this Nutritional Tough Love Episode are:
1. Breakfast   2. Hydration   3. Eat Mindfully   4. Avoiding Crashes   5. Making Extra

Talking Points

  • Understanding food research and who did it.

  • Learning to listen to your bio-individuality.

  • Starting your day with quality fats and proteins for long lasting energy.

  • Carbohydrates and you.

  • Breaking out of your comfort zone to begin using proper ingredients.

  • Best breakfast practices and using coffee to its full extent.

  • The Jakprints Breakfast Quiz.

  • Cheat meals and getting right back on track.

  • How to stay hydrated.

  • Keeping your veins very voluptuous and signs of dehydration.

  • The Amazon Evil Beverage Quiz.

  • Getting sympathetic with soda.

  • Putting your body in the proper mind frame to digest your meals.

  • Chew your food to give your body a break.

  • The WMC Fest and CMND SHFT Lunch Quiz.

  • Hydrogenated oils and what they do in your body.

  • Eating better more often.

  • Retraining your body to properly use what you're giving it.

  • Tweaking 30 minute meals and doubling the serving size.

  • The traps in food labels and committing to nutritional education.

  • Flipping the money switch on to on.

  • Balancing your employment with your education.

  • A case of Social Media FOMO.

  • The various forms of sponsored content and how it works.

  • Balancing your personal preferences with the needs of your audeince and how Beth chooses what goes on to Tasty-Yummies.com

  • One effective strategy to beat the Instagram Algorithm and increase engagement.