413 - Sean Mort’s American Summer Vacation A Epic Podumentary Part 1
Sean Mort gets out of the UK faster than they can leave the EU for some sunnier weather and his International Bromance partner in crime, Mark Brickey, is there to pick him up and push him to the limits. In the first part of this Epic Podumentary Sean and Mark get into some hijinks and then really kick things into gear when its time to make some money at Renegade Craft Fair. Don't miss booth strategies and pricing models form both Sean and Dan (wazzup!) of DKNG Studios with full explanations from their personal experiences and engaging retail strategies they've learned over the years. This episode takes you all over Los Angeles from LAX to Grand Park to Mark's home studio!
Talking Points
- Mark and Sean start out the vacation by breaking the law on the 405.
- Brickey's bargaining skills and Renegade Craft Fair breakdowns.
- Reaping the rewards of hard work (even if it's just food related rewards).
- Packing pins, busting balls, and an international size dose of humility.
- Leg sized pretzels and Sean's taste of Mark's 5 Star Lifestyle.
- Jet lag ruins $18 dollar chicken sandwiches.
- Struggling through everyday life with a Magic Hangover.
- The problem with Native Angelinos.
- How to end annoying calls happening next to you.
- CHiPs trying to shut down AID.
- Booth strategies and setting up next to the competition.
- Picking out the Little Fellas.
- Adjusting your setup top reflect the market.
- The importance of tiered pricing that stays above wholesale.
- Planning out your per hour goal at a festival.
- Improving customer flow through your booth to increase sales and decrease transaction time.
- Pricing strategies in the DKNG booth.
- When to restock your low inventory items.
- Dan brings all P's and gives T's the FU.
- Why different festivals attract different customers and how to plan for it.
- The split between retail and client work.