864 - Illustrator Sara Deck - Never Stop Creating


Who In The Hell Is Sara Deck?
Where did this illustration and printmaking powerhouse come from, just showing up as premiere movie poster illustrator in the last couple of years?

Quitting Art To Become An Accountant.
Yep, you read it right, even with all of Sara's talent she decided to quit editorial illustration and become an accountant for over a decade. But did she quit art all together?

How To Learn Fast.
Sara was able to take all of her real-world painting experience and pour it into learning digital illustration and printmaking. How did being a lifelong student of art fast-track her second attempt at commercial art?

Are You Hiding Behind Pop Culture?
When is it time to start showing the world your original ideas and get away from pop culture narratives and subject matter?

Is Your Spouse Working For Your Or Against You?
How do successful couples set aside ego and remind themselves what the true meaning of unconditional love and support looks like?

In The Circle of Trust

What Do You Tell Yourself To Not Give Up?
How did Sara not give up on art and have the energy to stay determined while working all of the long days with no direct payday in sight.

Getting The Courage To Try Again.
Sara explains how she was able to attend a fan expo and get the courage to show her work, which leads to meeting the friends that would help her relaunch her professional art career.

Keeping A Distance From What You Love.
Is it better to stay in your chosen career at a job you hate or to walk completely away so that you can miss what you love to find your way back hopefully?

What Always Brought Sara Back To Art?
Her journey may have taken her away from working professionally in the arts but her love of creation would never let her stray from creativity.

Do Women Illustrate Women Differently.
Is there a difference when woman illustrate women differently and how does Sara see her technique differently that her male counterparts.