Circle of Trust Bonus Content No.11 - Memorial Mort Monday
Hodor Illustration by Aaron Sechrist
Even though many Americans have today off, Mark Brickey, ever the internationally minded podcast host, has enlisted the help of Sean Mort to bring Adventures In Design to the men, women, and children who serve in the Circle Of Trust. This international friendship continues to flourish as Sean and Mark take a moment out of their day to remember the memories that need memorializing. AID also pays tribute to one of the greatest servants the world has never seen. After bravely, and sort of unknowingly, sacrificing himself Mark takes us through the many moments that Hodor (or Clodor) spoke to bring loyalty, laughter, and even some love to the Seven Kingdoms. Lastly, we get an in depth review of The Preacher and its first season. Antics Ensue.
Talking Points
- Sean Mort gives us an impromptu Memorial Day speech.
- Remembering Hodor.
- A heartfelt call from the World Champion Caller.
- Pin Wars 2016 poster brainstorm.
- A review of the first season of The Preacher.
- Adapting comic books to television.
- Working through accents, drawls, and colloquialisms.