Episode 115 - Shop Talk - “Kill Yr. Idols” with Billy Baumann and James Flames
Episode 115 - Shop Talk - “Kill Yr. Idols” with Billy Baumann and James Flames
We wrap up the second work week of 2015 with Billy Baumann and James Flames stopping by for their usual Friday Shop Talk session.
Talking Points You’ll Hear On Episode 115
• Billy gives an update on teaching his packaging class.
• We debate the talent pool of designers today versus Don Draper Times.
• Billy gives his 5 traits that are needed to become a successful designer.
• Motivation through proving others wrong.
• How to define your job title as a designer.
• Billy and James make a project announcement.
In The Circle of Trust (Paid Subscriber Content)
• We check in James Flames and his time off to focus on his future.
• The growth of Delicious Design League and how Billy is handling the new stress of success.
• How the economy and changing of the political guard can effect our micro businesses.
• Billy interviews Mark about the future of AID and some of his least favorite moments of the show.