389 - Shop Talk with Sean Mort

Mark and Sean return for another Monday morning Shop Talk. In this week's installment we get to hear the skeptical side of Sean's recent plunge into the gallery world and why you have to be wary of the hype. As Northern Craft develops we get even more insight from these two poster pushing veterans about what to look for that separates a good event from a bad one and how to look your best when you're there... because you never know who might walk by and see your work. The show ends on a long inspirational note to take heart and keep trying because your ideas are better than a lot of the garbage getting floated out in Hollywood. The power of creation and distribution are yours for the taking! Antics (mainly at David's expense) ensue.

Talking Points

  • Has all the gallery money gone to Sean's head?
  • Realistic views about promises regarding money and fame until they materialize.
  • How being talented is like being beautiful.
  • The greatest gift Mark has ever received.
  • Does David have Asperger's Syndrome or does he have cocaine?
  • Never getting cocky about promotion.
  • The plight of Baby Ruth and Sean's second attempt at a wedding speech.
  • The second greatest gift Mark has ever received.
  • Sean's thick skin and what truly hurts him.
  • Gaining confidence in your work and the positive snowball effect it creates.
  • Unexpected clients that exposure can generate.
  • How narrowing your artistic focus can reduce client revisions.
  • The evolution in Sean's stye and the importance of practice and review.
  • Combining Lil' Fellas.
  • Centralizing the content of your booth to attract new customers.
  • Northern Craft updates and putting Mark on the jury for applicants.
  • Why would Disney's stock drop?
  • How media giants and you are on the same playing field.
  • Empowering listeners to create the next big thing.
  • Trying to predict the next wave in technology.
  • Mark and Sean judge next season's brand new television shows.
  • What to do with all the time on your hands since there wont be any good shows to watch.


Below is David the Producer's original synopsis of this Shop Talk

Two total fucking jerks ceaselessly bash nice people who are trying to make the world a happier, better place for their miserable fat asses to live in. Their feigned attempts at success are marginalized when they point out the inherent success of other creative talents that do better work than them. It should be noted they also smell like a mixture of cottage cheese and dog shit left out in the sun for a few hours and then spritzed with more cologne than a Persian pre-teen going to prom. No one likes the color yellow and no one likes "sense" of humor. Fuck them. Unsubscribe. Antics do not ensue.