1371 - Brand Strategist, Identity Designer | Emir Ayouni


We kick off the summer season but first, look back at the global branding and marketing disaster that was the global pause demic and the projects that both Emir and Brickey launched over the forced downtime of last year. Emir shares how Procreate has helped him get back into being more of a traditional illustrator and how each of us has a unique set of tools that help us solve our creative problems.

Today In The Circle of Trust
- The importance of routine and getting out of the office.
- Emir hopes to grow the inspiration books from Garm Company.
- Brickey shares how his design projects always started with research and a collage of ideas.
- Do tattoo artists have the most challenging illustration job that exists?
- The balance of creating side hustles and which way do the guys want their careers to grow.

Don't forget Growcase Big Book of Inspiration Special Edition LOGOS, EMBLEMS & CRESTS is available for download today at GarmCompany.com. Use the code AID to save 20%.