1097 - Circle Of Trust Episode | I'm Not Clickbaiting You...


Today’s Questions Asked

Tony Mendez

When is the next big YouTube video in the vein of Animated or Disneyland rocks dropping and can you talk about the subject matter and rollout? It’s been really fun watching you grow as a YouTube content creator, and with every video you continue to get better and better! I’m probably being a bit of a homer since I’m team AID and Disneyland. But keep up the good work, Mark.

tony tran with a fake mustache

Double dipping question:I also wanted to know, as a content creator - which time zone do post for? DO you lean towards the home ground of LA time zone, or is there a sweet spot for you that hits both US and International?

tony tran 

Healthy habits questions: are you still going to the gym and what is the one change to your health that has greatly impacted you positively?