1090 - Circle Of Trust Episode - To Rob: Fighting/Ignoring Career Jealousy


“I think I've got a topic for you Mark. Lately I find myself feeling left out. I see other creatives and entrepreneurs in Buffalo being featured on news segments, in articles, on local podcasts, and popping up in my feed on big local Instagram accounts and I'm left wondering—why the fuck am I not one of them. I'm extremely confident in my ability and I know the value I bring to my city but I'm growing tired of not being recognized for it more. It seems to be one of those things that even when business is good and I'm happy, it still gets to me. So I try to avoid letting it get to me but whenever another person pops up getting the attention I feel I deserve more of, it comes back. I don't consider myself a needy person who's starving for attention, so I hope this gripe doesn't come off that way. More often than not I find a way to turn it into fuel to work harder and make better work but that only lasts until the next person pops up. As we all know, these types of press brings new eyes and new eyes means more business—something I know you've discussed on AID. Anyways, not sure if I have a real question here other than wondering if you have any ideas for overcoming these types of feelings and/or solutions to actually lessening their frequency.” Rob From Buffalo