697 - Tube of Turds - The 2nd Tube of Christmas by Delicious Design League

COT - Delicious Design League's World Famous Tube of Turds

The 2nd Tube of Christmas a tube of turds from Delicious Design Studio.
Four prints and a shitty sketch for the stupid price of $10. 
These are world famous turds!

Circle of Trust members get a shitty portrait along with their shitty sketch and four prints. 


The 2nd Tube of Christmas a tube of turds from Delicious Design Studio. Four prints and a shitty sketch for the stupid price of $10. 

Billy Baumann and Mark Brickey say goodbye to another year of broadcasting together with their final episode of 2017. The guys look back on the year of design and the most significant trend that changed the way designers used their talents to promote their careers. The guys also exchange Christmas gifts and almost have a serious moment before their usual fighting comes back around, after all, you cant have the holidays without that family member you love but can't stand.