The 12 Tubes of Christmas
Feeding long beach
For our 2nd annual holiday fundraiser we have decide to Help homeless and hungry people in need.
We will be asking for your donations from now until Sunday at Midnight.
110% of the money raised will go to
Feeding Long Beach.
The Brickey Family Will Match Your Donation By 10%
we will Purchase Toiletries, Underwear, Socks, Plastic Bags (For Food Distribution)
And Other Basic supplies That you and I take for granted but could greatly help a person in need.
watch The Shopping on Instagram Live and look to this page for a copy of the receipt of purchase.
By Donating
Your Name May Be
Randomly Selected
To Win One Of
The Following
Donated Prizes
$50 Gift Card From
$100 Gift Card From Mondo
$100 Gift Card From Mitch Putnam of Posters and Toys or The VACVVM
Win 1 of 5 DKNG Polar Bear Prints courtesy of Adventures In Design
A Years Subscription To The Circle of Trust
$100 Gift Card For The Adventures In Design Store
*AID Merchandise Only